A 28 year old woman gets hurt by someone she loved dearly, there are no physical scars, but the pain is still there. Its like the question of what came first the chicken or the egg, which comes first forgiving or forgetting and do either actually exist???
I have the hardest time with this one thing, forgiveness. As a Christian you are supposed to forgive because God forgives you your trespasses everyday. I know if God didn’t forgive me, I would be SOL. But it’s so hard. It’s like when a person hurts you, you relive the hurt and its hard moving past it and forgiving them for the many things they did to you. But if you humble yourself and look at it from another perspective, you can see that you possibly hurt them too at one time or another. HUMBLE….SHUMBLE….. Why do we hurt the one’s we love and why do the one’s that supposedly love us hurt us? AHA… supposedly….why do we negate their love just cause they hurt us. Do we love God any less when we are disobedient and don’t do things according to His word? Nope, we don’t. So, why is it so hard to honestly forgive and forget? Glad you asked. I don’t think the forgiving part is the problem, it’s the forgetting. Its like a protective covering over our hearts and our minds. If we let nothing in to hurt us and use what already hurt us as a shield, nothing can get in. But we block all blessings by holding these things against each other. If hurt cant get in, then love is blocked, compassion is blocked, friendship is blocked. WE close ourselves up to simple possibilities because of complex problems. Hmmm…..I will never know what came first, chicken or egg, but I do know that if I really try and I can forgive and forget.
Be Light, Be Real, Be Blessed ~ AA
forgiving...forgetting...I like the point thatjust because someone hurt you, didn't/doesn't mean the don't love you...that was the biggest hurdle for me to jump around this time last year...I would like to be on my soap box about not hurting the one I love, and in the world, my soap box is intact...but I KNOW (on a cellular level) without a doubt, I have disappointed God a time or two...but he continues to bless me...THAT is how I TRY to appraoch forgiving and forgetting, but I think I am on the other side of the spectrum...I forgive, and then extend the olive branch...that same branch could be the one my heart will be lynched from! I have got to find balance in my forgive/forget ratio...
every experience is a lesson...just ask, what did you learn and use the lesson to help you get over that hump...just my completely unsolicited opinion...
Okay this is totally bugging me. I have been holding on to the thaught that only God has sea of forgetfulness to throw people's sins in. That being said I am strugling w/ not keping a record you know that "love is patient kind...." . I mean a tiger doesn't loose it's stripes. You know fool me onece shame on U fool me twice shame on me. I think I'm trying to get at if they hurt you they didn't know that it was going to hurt you. So then do they really know you enough or are they trustworthy enough w/ you?
Wow!!! I definitely needed to read this.
I've been dealing with a situation, where someone has come back in my life and I hesitate every time my phone rings and every time he suggests we talk face to face. Even though I accepted his apologies, it's hard as hell to forget what happened bwtween us in the past.
I've wondered, how do I know if me forgiving and forgetting is the key to more blessings, or just me being naive?
It is extremely hard for me to deal with, because even though I am a Christian, and I know God has the potential to forgive me innumerable times if I just ask, I've never ever ever ever never ever been a pro at letting ish go when someone does me wrong. lol
I love your point about people who hurt us, still may love us. I tend to ignore this person whenever he shares his feelings because I think it's a crock. How could ya love me when you do dumb ish 75% of the time? lol
You gave me alot to think about. Thanks for the inspiration.
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